Reid Mihalko

Reid Mihalko

Sex and Relationship Educator

Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Both Weekends

Reid Mihalko is an internationally known sex and relationship educator featured on NETFLIX’s "Chelsea Does..." and HBO's "Sex Diaries". His pragmatic, humorous advice has helped over 80,000 adults worldwide discover better sex and healthier, more self-expressed relationships. In 2018, Reid stepped down from teaching and initiated a year-long, transformative justice process to address past harms during #MeToo. Go to for more info.




Workshops presented by

Reid Mihalko

PRESSURE PLAY: Push, Pull & Squish = MORE Pleasure

Boost your confidence and pleasure with playful, clothes-on skills that will amaze your lovers! Discover how our pelvic muscles unlock hidden pleasure and why so many of us love the weight of a partner pressing down or wrestling. Sex educator Reid Mihalko will help us explore how pressure, wrestling, & even biting activate pleasure pathways. Learn how to harness body weight, pushing & pulling, and squishing for deeper intimacy and more fun!

Battling The 8-Armed Octopus of Jealousy

Did you know that jealousy is an octopus and that each tentacle holds clues to helping you neutralizing it's crushing hold? Did you know jealousy and envy aren't the same thing? When the Green-Eyed Monster rises from our emotional depths, most people find themselves powerless to stop its many arms from tearing our relationships apart. Join sex and relationship educator Reid Mihalko for this humorous & insightful workshop on how YOU can kick jealousy in the ass before it kicks you!