
Dive deep in a core theme with an intimate group.

Immersions run Monday, June 10th through Thursday June 13th. This is a unique opportunity to experience a fully immersive retreat on a chosen topic with masterful facilitation, while benefitting from the SoulPlay care and production value.

Various teachers are offering a variety of modalities and perspectives to help you drop in deeper with yourself and others. Choose the path that's right for you!

All meals and camping accommodation are included, with a range of upgraded accommodation options available for an additional price.

Some immersions require a pre event application to make sure you are a good fit. Check them out and see which one is right for you!

Intimacy Rituals

Dance, Kink & Devotional Play

A sacred ritual dance space to come home to our bodies, our eros, our natural tendency to share aliveness & joy in community. Permission to want & love in ways that liberate you & transform our culture.


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Cocréa Partner Dance

Slow, Saucy & Sacred ~ A Mindful Partner Dance Experience

A deep dive into the magic & intimacy of Micro Dance, where we can saucily play in the slow burn & restorative nourishment of profound presence.


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Breathwork for Activation, Regulation & Awakening

You can be the creator of your reality once you come into mastery of your own breath. BREATHE is an invitation to come into greater communion with the breath and all the potential it carries to alter not only your state today, but the trajectory of your life and the world you live in from here onwards.


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