Our Mission

Our mission is to create dynamic, immersive experiences that explore and expand your capacity for authentic self-expression and personal growth. Through meaningful connection and play, we invite you to uncover new depths, embrace your truth, and step boldly into the fullness of who you are.

Our Heart-full Culture

We create gatherings that encourage people to come together, expand and grow, and experience the bliss of heart-full connection. Expansion and growth isn’t always comfy! You might even take some risks. We believe that daring to take risks is the juice of life!  We also believe that care, boundaries, and structure create the perfect place for nurturing growth. 

The cultivation of our culture is the heart of SoulPlay and how we make lasting impact in the world. 

Our Foundation


Ready to unplug and tune in? We're all about being fully here, fully now! That means giving those substances and screens a little vacation. Think of it as a playground for your senses - no filters, just pure you!


Your journey, your rules! In a world of "should" and "must," we're flipping the script. Every activity is an invitation - like a buffet of experiences where you pick what lights you up. Your choices, your pace, your adventure!


Nobody rides solo here! Our amazing SoulSupport crew is always nearby with open hearts and helping hands. Having a moment? Need a hug? Just reach out - you're surrounded by friends who've got your back. Think of them as your festI family, ready to share the joy and help navigate the bumps.

Incident Reporting

At Soul Play we take safety seriously and we know not all issues can or should be dealt with in the moment. That’s why we have the Incident Report. Please use this form to report any small or large issue.

Have anything to Report?
Incident Reporting form


SoulPlay offers emotional support teams during every festival. The emotional support team is there to support your experience as we understand the workshops and interpersonal experiences can bring up difficult feelings. Please feel free to use the SoulSupport services while at our events.

Recommended Professional Resources (Coaches, Therapists, Mediators)Recommended articles on Consent and CommunicationArticle on Triggers at events - by Misha Bonaventura