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dare. dance. thrive!

SoulPlay is an invitation to explore your essence.

Welcome to our magic-making playground of heart-expanding gatherings! 

Picture this, mind-blowing workshops that light up your soul, spontaneous dance parties that shake the earth, and connections that spark like fireworks. We're weaving a tapestry of creativity, celebration, and transformation, where every thread (that's you!) adds something beautifully unique.

Think of us as your joy-seeking, soul-stirring community where authentic connections bloom without the buzz of substances. We're dancing, growing, and glowing together, creating spaces where everyone's story adds to the masterpiece. Be part of this extraordinary adventure!

Come as you are, leave a little more sparkly.

That's just how we roll!

Come dream of a world where we are the (r)Evolution wrapped in a party,
sprinkled with stardust, and served with a side of infinite possibility! ✨

Where play isn't just child's business - it's our superpower!

Think dance moves that unlock wisdom, silly games that spark genius, and creative adventures that transform us all. And while we're at it, we're painting tomorrow in bold, beautiful colors—where everyone gets to be exactly who they are, no filter needed!

Where our bodies are just as brilliant as our brains!

We're tuning towards that gut-knowing, heart-wisdom, and body-magic that makes life juicy and real. We're feeling our feelings and letting our make-up run down our faces. We're grieving, laughing, loving, and diving into the messiness of life. We're dressing in costumes and bright colors and being goofballs.

Where we're master fort-builders of the soul!

We are crafting safe spaces with bouncy boundaries where trust can do cartwheels and everyone gets to shine. Together, we're cooking up celebrations spicier than life itself! We laugh until we cry, hold space when hearts are heavy, and lift each other up like the world's most epic trust fall.

Upcoming Ways to PLAY!

The Watering Hole

The Watering Hole

Sat March 8th ~ More Details to come!

Sofa Sessions

Sofa Sessions

Every Second Sunday in Berkeley, CA

SoulPlay Connect

SoulPlay Connect

April 26th in Oakland, CA


We are ALL still learning how to be more loving people. Consent, boundaries, & inclusivity are necessary skills to acquire on the journey to love.In 2022, I felt a whole new sense of belonging at SoulPlay thanks to the Queer & BIPOC spaces. I had grown strong boundaries, stated them clearly all of the time, and for the first time EVER, I didn't have my consent violated at SoulPlay.And this year. Oh. My. This. Year!!!! By Saturday afternoon I was prancing around [consensually] whipping mostly queer folx with my thick wet braid, and IT FELT SO FUCKING WONDERFUL. And I could use a neck massage right now 😂 For the first time EVER many strangers and friends reflected to me that I was standing strong in my power. This growth was only possible because of an extremely strong consent, boundaries, and inclusivity culture. Thank you, inclusion & belonging team

S 2024

I am just swimming in the many magical, intimate, and joyful moments I was gifted with you all. Never have I received so much nourishment, inspiration, and healing in community. Never have I been so acutely aware of the sameness of Love and Grief. SoulPlay is so much more than a festival; it's the embodiment of a world I want to be a part of co-creating. Thank you from my whole heart to each person who made it happen and to each person who attended to make this reality. I love you all!

T 2024

Huge gratitude to Romi Elan and his entire team for creating a space for safe self-expression. A space where everyone can choose their favorite ways to move and relate without a fear of social judgment. Greatful for the opportunity to deepen existing connections and create new one. High on life from all the cuddles, dances and experiences thanks to this beautiful community that fills my heart with more love than ever. 🙏 💗

M 2024

My soulplay experience honestly changed my life! I was inspired to shed the protective barriers of my heart and open fully with expansive receptivity! The encouragement to participate at any comfort level allowed me to always feel safe and accepted. Self-care is great, but what many of us need is community care!

Martin 2019

It was my first festival ever!..and what a great one to pick to pop my festival cherry. :) I really didn't know what to expect but was open to new experiences, and boy was I in for the most delicious treat EVERRRRRR. I have nothing to compare it to, but I'm glad it wasn't too crowded, or else I think it might have felt overwhelming. But because it was intimate enough, I felt like I could really make heart-to-heart, meaningful connections. I felt welcomed, included, and SO SO LOVED. Thank you :)


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